The Digital Scanner Is Making A Great First Impression


Ask anyone of our dentists here at S3 Dental Hinchley Wood, what their favourite piece of equipment is and the answer will be unanimous - The TRIOS Intra-Oral Scanner and it is easy to see why. This award winning, hand held intra-oral scanner has completely revolutionised the way we perform dentistry.

What Is The TRIOS Intra-Oral Scanner?

The TRIOS Intra-Oral Scanner is a very sophisticated camera used to capture optical impressions in dentistry. Rather than using the traditional messy methods of impression taking, the scanner projects light onto an area, the image is captured by the imaging sensors and a 3D model is produced by the scanning software.

How does the scanner work?

  • The Intra-Oral scanner is placed into the patient’s mouth and moved over the surface of the teeth. The process will take about 90 seconds.

  • The dentist will review the image and any adjustments needed will be made.

  • The captured images will be displayed on the monitor for both dentist and patient to view and discuss.

  • If required the images will then be sent directly to our in-house lab where restorations will be made.

What Is The TRIOS Scanners Used For?

  • TRIOS Scanners are so accurate they can be used to fabricate a whole prosthetic restoration such as dental crowns, dental veneers and dental bridges.

  • The 3D scan can also be used to make teeth straightening appliances (clear aligner systems such as ClearCorrect or Invisalign) and teeth whitening trays.

  • The 3D image can show gum problems such as recession and gum disease, as well as cosmetic problems such as staining and positioning of teeth.

  • The latest models are so advanced that they can even detect dental decay.

What are the benefits of using a TRIOS Scanner?

  • More Comfortable - Compared to traditional methods of impression taking which can cause discomfort for patients, the scanner is completely pain free and comfortable.

  • More Accurate - This camera in the scanner is so advanced that the images produced are much more accurate than dental impressions. If an error is made when scanning, then that section is simply erased and re-done, however with dental impressions if an error is made or the impressions are not clear enough the whole process would need to be repeated.

  • More Precise Impressions - This means restorations such as crowns and veneers can be delivered more accurately and with less need for adjustments.

  • Improves Dentist to Patient Communication - The images taken from the TRIOS scanners can be immediately displayed as soon as the scan is complete. This means that patients can gain a better understanding when discussing the condition of their teeth.

  • Better Patient Monitoring - By scanning our patient’s mouth at every appointment, we are able to track changes and quickly identify potential problems sooner.

At S3 Dental Hinchley Wood we are committed to providing the best service and treatment possible which is why we now use our Trios Scanners for all our private exams and treatments where possible to do so, at no extra cost to the patient.

Sooki Reeves